I’m testing out something and need to write a decent amount of text to test out this thing that I am testing. I’ll type all this again, just to get more copy. I’m testing out something and need to write a decent amount of text to test out this thing that I am testing. I’ll type all this again, just to get more copy.


Morning Meetings

I’m hanging out waiting for a colleague in my favorite coffee shop: Elemental Coffee.


That was a quick, shy photo from where I’m sitting. The space is open, the tables and benches are communal, the coffee is rockin’ and the owners are special.

I met Laura several years ago through a mutual friend. It seemed for a long time the only small talk I ever made with her was in regards to her French husband who by his sheer Frenchness was fascinating. (Like making jokes about French fries and French toast. Don’t ask me what jokes. I’ve blocked that particular facet of dorkness.) Sheri is dippy like that. In the subsequent years, though, I’m far more enamored with Laura who is a business owner, community activist and sweet person. I like to think we’re at least casual friends and are far beyond small talk these days. One day I’ll talk a little more about her many positive influences on OKC. She’s an excellent human.

Tonight Elemental and others are participating in a new thing called Hudson & 8th. A gathering of food trucks (Austin-style) on the last Friday of the month from dusk to 2am. Exciting!

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