I love the Internets

There’s a lot of stuff I share on the Internet every day. Here’s a round up of the things I most enjoyed last week by category.


  • Recalling Maya Angelou’s love of cooking. “What I do recall is the preparation. Her cooking was a virtuoso presentation that was part monologue, part dance routine, totally engaging and absolutely fascinating. There was a snippet of a song from a musical comedy at one point, a twist and a boogie at another and a flourish or two as a spice was added. It was a whole new form of dinner theater: a bravura performance calculated to astonish and delight. I was captivated, and from then on remained in her thrall.” Is there anything this person could not do? The ultimate inspiration. 
  • Why you should travel. Thirty two reasons you should travel. There are a 100 more but this is an excellent start.
  • Biz Stone favorited two of my tweets. It all happened while I slept and when I awoke, I squealed. I love the Internets.



  • Gabriel Knight Hancock. I feel a little terrible I haven’t shared him yet. Gabriel opened for an artist in Sheri’s Living Room several months ago and I can’t get his voice out of my head. This is his most recent album and you’ll be impressed with not only his sound, but his skill. A songwriter to watch, for sure. 
  • I Will Do the Breathing by Matt the Electrician. 
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