There’s a lot of stuff I share on the Internet every day. Here’s a weekly round up of the things I most enjoyed last week by category.
- My friend Chad Mount has an Arist-in-Residency in Finland for most of November. He’s fundraising for part of his costs and it was all I could do to not drain my bank account. But if y’all could help, too, that’d be great. He’s a genius.
- I seriously want to make out with Russell Brand.
- Wayne White, Wayne White, Wayne White. “As far as humor in art, it’s always been there. It’s certainly something I didn’t innovate or discover. I’m just part of a grand tradition of using humor, wit, parody and satire to convey things. It’s been going on for centuries, and I think it will always be there because people need it. People need it, I don’t know why. It’s just very human, very basic.”
- Personal Branding: Blending Who You Are with What You Do. I just wrapped up Life Coaching for Creatives with Kathleen from Braid Creative. (Full post coming soon on this magical experience.) In addition to being an excellent branding firm, they also have classes for the DIY types. Or shoestring budget types. Or whatevs. I can’t recommend these courses (or Braid Creative) enough.
- Holy hell, Bitstrips will ruin me. I spent entirely too much time making comics this week. Then giggling furiously to myself.
- Baby has emotional reaction to his mom’s singing.
- Bonnie Raitt – You Can’t Fail Me Now I was all ready to wax poetic on this song and Bonnie Raitt until I realized she didn’t write it ( Loudon Wainwright III & Joe Henry did). But damn does she deliver it. She’s been just about the only music I listened to this week.

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