There’s a lot of stuff I share on the Internet every day. Here’s a round up of the things I most enjoyed last week by category.
- 25 struggles only ENFPs will understand. “5. Regularly forgetting that your physical needs exist. 8. Everyone thinking you’re flirting with them, all of the time. 17. Needing significantly more alone time than other extraverts. 20. People thinking you’re looking for advice when you simply need to process things out loud.” Or all of them. Every single goddamn one of them.
- A brother and sister get married. A beautiful love story told in a series of tweets.
- The one and only way to move past fear. Lovely words from Elizabeth Gilbert, “Your fear is the most boring thing about you.”
- Starbucks Cleverly Advocates for Meeting Up Instead of Texting
- The farting pastor. Hallelujah.
- Two goth teens made a video looking back at 2009, and it’s the best thing you’ll see in 2014. “Don’t be jealous because we’re rebellious.” Watch this all the way through at least once. You’ll be so happy you did. And SO HAPPY you aren’t 14 anymore.
- I Turn My Camera On by Spoon I saw them in Tulsa on Tuesday and in a beautiful turn of events, got to hang out with them for a couple hours after. Neat-o.
- Hopeless by Train Not sure why, but I fell down a nostalgic rabbit hole this week. I loved the Drops of Jupiter album back in the day but this song in particular always resonated with me.
- Once I Was An Eagle by Laura Marling I love her and yesterday I was in a blue head space. Instead of coaching myself into the light I put this concept album on repeat and floated in the warm, dark waters that is Laura Marling. Felt some feelings whilst listening to a beautiful voice tell a heartbreak story. It was nice in an emo sort of way.

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