Dear Oatmeal, I love you.

Click on the graphic to travel to the entire comic. This section really spoke to me.

I Love the Internets

There’s a lot of stuff I share on the Internet every day. Here’s a weekly round up of the things I most enjoyed last week by category.



Lady in red

Remember that time I went to go get my red re-redded and I got this?

I did not keep this color. Blog post coming soon.

I didn’t talk much about that on social media. Now, do not misunderstand me….the red was pretty. Bold. Sassy. (Though, I did kind of feel like I was hiding an Elmo under my hair.) But not what I had asked for and when I walked out of the salon I was hopeful I could live with it. When I washed it two days later it turned pink, which would have been fabulous if I had wanted that color. The pic below is a dead ringer color match of what my head looked like after that wash.


That’s the color of pink it was. Flickr pink. It was far too sassy to live with. I stopped by the salon to chat it out and make an appointment for a redo.

Today’s red is much more me. Here’s what it looked like the day it got colored and its been great since. Apologies for the blood. I was in a Halloween parade that day and our float was a guillotine prom. (That dress was so tight around the torso it felt like a cast, but it was $4 at my new favorite thrift store. Yay me!)


Just the right amount of sassy.

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