Before you do anything at all, go read this: The Numerology of Number 2
I don’t know how much I’ve alluded to this here, but I’ve been in a transitional state for most of 2013 — at least more than normal. It’s cute that I began the year saying that I would spend a year in The Library. Part of that really happened and part of that REALLY didn’t.
I often ponder of the work I do, paid and unpaid. I feel a little vulnerable saying that out loud, but I am a fan of being as honest as possible (not that I don’t occasionally fail at that). Sometimes, I dream of doing something else. Or something more. I dunno. I love, love, love to write. And I love to travel, even if it’s just a little road trip to Texas or Colorado. Music….sigh. Music is my religion. One day I’d love to be able to do all the things I love all the time.
I ought head to Craigslist, but I don’t know that I’m going to find a listing for a life situation that involves traveling to eight music festivals a year, giving mountains of affection to fiddle players, cooking then sharing lots of food and also encourages 7 weeks of vacation each year from the aforementioned activities. Because, sometimes you need a break from your dreams to dream.
Last Thursday I pulled my car into the parking lot where I work. I don’t just work there. I live there. I thrive there. Truthfully, I love there in that big kind of family way that happens when people live their passion for years on end alongside people they admire and respect. But I pulled into the parking lot and this is what happened to my odometer.
A few minutes later I remembered a tweet from my Twitter friend, Chris. I was headed to Gentleman of the Road the next day and he found a related item on ebay.
If anyone other than @MyJRNY wins this, I’ll be kind of sad. Be warned though, Sheri – it’s already over $2000.
— Chris Johnson (@okcjohnson) September 5, 2013
So I bounce over to the auction to see just how expensive it’s gotten…
So I mention it to my new-agey, spiritually-similar friend at work and she flips open her laptop. Heads over to a numerology website and finds this:
Well… ain’t that something. I don’t think I needed to have that website tell me that it was a “2” day, but to see it blinking at me… that was something.
By that moment my heart started racing and I was in a state of hyper awareness. I plugged my birthdate into a numerology calculator (mind you, this was the first day I’d ever paid attention to a single moment of numerology in my life) and I turned up as an 11.
Of course I go to 11. Why wouldn’t I? (Leave a comment if you get the subtext.)
The thing I read that day about the 11 was that it was like an amplified “2”. When I read that 2 description (the thing you were have supposed to read by now. You haven’t yet? Here is your second chance. I’ll wait.) I stopped breathing.
the ultimate survivor and an extremely resilient force
has an in-born sense of music and rhythm
her most important asset is a sense of humor that is witty and self-depreciating
the real value of her intuitive prowess is in the way she interacts with others; it is the true basis of her tact and understanding. Like a good politician, which she can certainly be if needed, she often understands the true motivations of others better than they do, and her clarity and her powers of observation often help others to understand themselves better.
Those are just a few of the highlights that punched me in the face. The more, ahem, negative ones did, also. Especially when I think to my younger years. And to think that I am an amplified version of that…well. I suppose knowing is half the battle?
Then I remembered that I am hosting my first house concert on the 22nd. And there are other 2’s around me I can’t mention for privacy’s sake, but I can mention that on Friday I parked my car for the festival at a house labeled 2022. My carload of folks burst into laughter when the GPS announced the number as I had just finished the ‘2’ story.
What’s it all mean? Who really knows? I was sure to mention it to Kathleen that afternoon during my very first Life Coaching for Creatives session. (Yet another coincidence?) We exchanged the same creepy, weirded-out laughs that I had shared with everyone else that day and in the days since. Here’s my takeaway: I’m heading in the right direction, keeping my head up and my heart strong. I’m going to keep myself open to The Universe and enjoy these interesting miracles that seem to be swarming me right now.

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