Leaving for SXSW

I arrived in Austin, TX on Thursday afternoon in a fog. A few hours prior I stood on the airport curb and curled into the chest of the man I love deeply. We said our goodbyes as if I were only leaving for a business trip but the shaking in my core still had not stopped. I almost forgot to take off my sunglasses before I looked in his eyes one last time. I’m never in daylight without sunglasses and forget that people can’t see all of me when I’m wearing them. I wanted him to see all of me. It was the last time he would. 

The people of Will Rogers World Airport didn’t get the same privilege. Once I passed through the rigors of security (guess who forgot she had a wine tool in her purse), the glasses went back on. No one else needed to see me that day. I wandered for a while and then remembered I hadn’t eaten. 

Sheri. You’re alone now. No one is here to feed you or take your hand and lead you. You’re on your own.  

I shuffled all pathetic-like over to Schlotzsky’s for a breakfast sandwich and some coffee. After I ate (raising my blood sugar is crucial to stopping tears, I’ve learned), I found a gift shop to stock up on packets of Kleenex and bottled water for what I assumed would be an embarrassing plane ride of weeping. I spent the last few minutes in OKC texting friends for support and thinking of the last things I’d left unsaid to him. Then saying them, knowing that when I got back in a week life would have moved on. 

I may have emo-Facebook posted. Maybe. Then deleted it because I am heartbroken, not 12 years old. Then I remembered that I’m allowed whatever I want and this is my life to live how I see fit. I also decided to white-knuckle it as soon as I landed in Austin. That I needed to get my Sheri in order as much as possible in the air because when I landed, a full-on sensory overload awaited me. 

In my Houston layover I remembered to call a shuttle service to get me to and from the airport in Austin. I had earmarked the week before my trip for break-neck, procrastinated preparation. One more lesson learned about waiting until the last minute, huh? The lack of shuttle was an easy fix but I also still had a week’s worth of SXSW Interactive Sessions that had been half-planned, at best. There was no embarrassing weeping on the plane. I drowned my emo thoughts moving from Patty Griffin’s Living With Ghosts to Impossible Dream to Ben Howard’s Every Kingdom. Then repeat. 

By the time I got to the hotel I was properly numbed out. My shuttle left me at the airport because I had been waiting in the wrong spot. The $20 I tried to break to tip the driver had come to me Vegas-style in a landslide of gold dollar coins. I met someone from Oklahoma City in the shuttle and we had mutual friends. And she follows me on Twitter. There was conundrum after distraction and I was glad for it.

After checking in I slung my body across the hotel bed and began reading official SXSW stuff about sessions and transportation while I snacked on the gift bag goodies and eyeballed the free vodka that looked about as good to me as a hole in my head. I broke out the iPad and checked the neighborhood for food or tea and found both, but after a short walk I discovered that two 6′ fences and a railroad track separated me from my destination. Around the same time, though, an angel from OKC tweeted that they were within an hour wrapping up their drive to Austin. 

Back in my room I stared into bathroom mirror, took a deep breath and put on makeup for the first time in a week. The white-knuckling began.

A Room of One’s Own

When I returned from Camp Mighty I had some ideas. And I realized that for my ideas to come to life they (and I) had to have a space. We have a large house and after much mulling I decided that I would claim this weird little non-room sitting area in our bedroom as my own. With the blessing of my beloved, of course.

I decided that before I had the room I needed to get it all cleaned out and furnished appropriately. But where to put all the things? It’s sitting room acting as a junk drawer.

THEN! I created a Pinterest board for it! Which is a nice way to organize ideas and inspiration, but a terrible way of getting actual progress to happen. I did buy a lovely, simple candle for my writing desk, though. You know, the imaginary writing desk.

Then I hemmed. Then I hawed. Then I decided I needed to clean and organize my closet so it could contain at least half of the junk room. However, our mostly unfinished closet needs shelving and storage installations, which cost time and money.

And I want my space! NOW.

I was telling part of this story to my best friend yesterday and I can’t remember my exact phrase, but it went something like, “I need to stop waiting until the space is ready. I just need to make some space.” I love what happens when I get out of my head and get verbal.

I came home last night, grabbed some orange oil and a cloth and cleaned the sewing table in the sitting room. I lifted out the sewing machine, latched it into its case and reassembled the table top. I grabbed an extra dining room chair that we stash in the living room and set it in front of the table. I topped the table with some beloved trinkets and my technologies.



The table hasn’t been sanded and painted. The walls are still contractor ecru. There’s no shelving or big comfy chairs. The clutter surrounds me. But as I sit here and type at the same table my mom used to make me things, I’m comforted. This space is enough.

Hoping this trend continues

Terribly relevant table marker for today's lunch with @tzeeck.

I have a friend who says The Universe is handing out things right now. Handing out things on a silver platter. She had a lot of wants come to fruition in a nearly poetic manner early this week and over veggie stacked enchiladas, she forced me to write a list of 5 vague, non-action-oriented things I wanted this year so The Universe could provide for me, too. I could only think of 4. I mean, I have the Mighty Life List and I have my 5 things from Camp Mighty, but I wanted this to be different. This list contains delicious, languorously worded, vague items I want with no clear path on how to get them…which is nice. I don’t have the pressure to achieve these wants, they are the Flame and I am the Moth. I just sit back and be drawn to them however The Universe see’s fit. Or not. Whatever.

I love her.

In an act of pre-destiny, I ended up having tons more lunches, coffees, drinks and networking events this week than usual. I somehow put myself in front of good, interesting people and making good, interesting conversation. More of all of the above is planned, too, and SXSW, the mothership of good, interesting conversation and people, is pulling me closer and closer.

I’m starting to get excited about 2013. I hope this is a trend.

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