I woke up with a song in my head for the silliest of reasons and it isn’t worth sharing. But this is:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xYQBTwP3t0]
This is a classic, addictive 80s song. I nearly assumed it was written by Dianne Warren or some massive song catalog writer like her. Upon googling for song details, though, I’m surprised. Clayton will laugh out loud when he learns it’s co-author is John Oats.
Which is now all I’m hearing as I listen to it for the 5th time. It’s like Hall & Oats, but without the soul/jazz element. Almost sounds like something a Journey spin off band like Bad English would have produced.
I loved Electric Blue fervently back then and I love it now. But because I was a poor kid in small town Oklahoma, I didn’t have MTV and only now am seeing the video.
Ida Davies, the lead singer, is rocking a mullet with super tight business in front and a beautiful flowing curly party in back. He’s wearing a nearly ankle-length black leather trench coat and a flat passion in his eyes that screams, “I am so uncomfortable filming this video.” His band mates share a similar sentiment that is far less hidden as they sort of tease each other, giggle uncomfortably and make fun of certain parts of the song. I’m impressed that the video’s director let that all stay in. My favorite piece of 80s stereotype — the saxophone solo — is in the song and prominent in the video. No 80s video would be complete without the skinny vixen wearing too much makeup, too much hair height and a spandex dress. Toward the end of the video we are treated to her back lit silhouette thrashing and twirling along a brick wall meant to look like an alley.
What’s your favorite bad 80s video?
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