I love the Internets

There’s a lot of stuff I share on the Internet every day. Here’s a round up of the things I most enjoyed last week by category.


  • Strong, vulnerable men. “If The Masculine has confidence without tenderness, it can turn to arrogance. And then there’s no real invitation for The Feminine to show up. And all softness with no fierceness, well that doesn’t give The Feminine a very safe resting place to unfold — and what The Feminine really, really wants to do, is unfold.” I sure like the way Danielle LaPorte says things.
  • Don’t let the shame gremlin keep you small.  “She is authentic and flawed and a glorious truth-teller who makes it possible for others to feel empowered. Her work is important. And it’s not at all what she expected her life to be about. Her work scares her. She is not comfortable with vulnerability. But, she invites it into her life and embraces it. No… she creates opportunities to practice vulnerability. And by doing that… by sharing her failures and flaws she gives us access to living, as she says, a wholehearted life.” I was wrestling hardcore shame gremlins this week. Worse than I have in a decade… seemingly out of no where. At least I knew what was happening, which is how I found this post with this great excerpt. It didn’t fix me, but it helped.



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  1. I am over the moon! After many tough years, the last being exceptionally awful, I decided this would be my year. I am running a half marathon (gulp) in 11 days and I REALLY wanted to see Glen Hansard in concert. No money, tho. I just won tickets. Thank you universe. And thank you for introducing me to this wonderful musician!

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