Tornadoes suck.

Oklahoma was struck with tornadoes on Sunday and Monday this week. It’s terrible. The sadness is everywhere. The hope and human spirit is everywhere, too. 

I have friends who lost their home on Monday. Friends who had a baby about two weeks ago and have spent every day since at the children’s hospital because their son’s birth went awry. I’m going to assume that seeing Baby was the reason they weren’t at home on Monday when the tornado tore through their neighborhood. I’m having a hard time understanding how people get through two, severe blows like that. And why they have to. 

First, I’m listing my friends’ donation pages. If you want to give directly to some seriously awesome people who have been through too damn much, give to them:

Or here are other ways to give and help if you are so inclined. I plan to give in several of these places and a few others. 

Donations of $10 to assist those affected by the tornado can be made by texting STORM to 80888 for Salvation Army, texting REDCROSS to 90999 for Red Cross, or by texting FOOD to 32333 for the Oklahoma Regional Food Bank. Make online gifts here…

DONATE: American Red Cross

DONATE: Salvation Army

DONATE: Oklahoma Regional Food Bank

 If you’re near Oklahoma, grab some work gloves and start driving. There’s plenty to do all over. If you need a place to crash while you’re doing that, my door is open. 

I love the Internets

There’s a lot of stuff I share on the Internet every day. Here’s a weekly round up of the things I most enjoyed last week by category.



  • John Fullbright plays When You’re Here. “Some are lovers, some are leeches, some are flings on sandy beaches. Some are silent, ’till the chances are all gone.” The whole song, guys. The whole song.


(It was a bit of a light week, surfing-wise. But go watch that Fullbright video, then buy his albums.)


I’ve had an overwhelming two weeks. Part of it is a schedule that is too busy. Moved from the ghost house to the new house. A dear friend from another hemisphere visited OKC for 5 days (and I had a blast hanging out with her). My home office moved from one location to another. The ghost house (all 3,000 sq ft of it) had to be cleaned and repaired in preparation for the arrival of the renters. I caught a cold.

In the middle of all that I had several setbacks related to the other thing. You know…the thing that completely rearranged my life and all the cells in my body (no? well…that’s how it feels…). I hope that one day I will look back on these archives and pat my sweet little melodramatic head. I hope that life moves on with such force that today, May 19, at 10pm on my front porch with a glass of wine and a box of tissues, looks like a tiny little blip. I really hope it does. 

It absolutely doesn’t feel like anything right now but sadness and loss. 

I don’t care that I got to go out to a quadruple birthday party last night in my cute new dress and one of the birthday girls repeatedly called me pretty. 

I don’t care that a guy called me pretty, too.

I don’t care that the ghost house is super clean and nearly finished for my med students to move in this weekend. 

I don’t care that my new office is swanky and kick-ass. I don’t care that it’s going to be cool as hell to work around dozens of creatives in the food industry every day including a large, fully operational catering company packed with event planners, chefs and visionaries. 

I don’t care that this new (old) house feels more like home in 3 weeks than the old house did in 3 months. 

What I do care about is that when I saw him sitting several rows ahead of me next to his mom and step dad today there was a natural space to his left that was only big enough for one person. 

It was empty.

Tonight, alone in the dark, it feels like I’ll never get over this. 


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